1202 spirituality can also arise at the point of convergence of liturgical and theological currents, bearing witness to the integration of the faith into a particular human environment and its history. The different schools of Christian spirituality share in the living tradition of prayer and are essential guides for the faithful. In their rich diversity they are refractions of the one pure light of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is truly the dwelling of the saints and the saints are for the Spirit a place where he dwells as in his own home, since they offer themselves as a dwelling place for God and are called his temple.44

Servants of prayer


2685 The Christian family is the first place of education in prayer.

Based on the sacrament of marriage, the family is the ‘domestic church’ where God’s children learn to pray ‘as the Church’, and to persevere in prayer. For young children in particular, daily family prayer is the first witness of the Church’s living memory as awakened patiently by the Holy Spirit.


2686 Ordained ministers are also responsible for the formation in

prayer of their brothers and sisters in Christ. Servants of the Good Shepherd, they are ordained to lead the People of God to the living waters of prayer: the Word of God, the liturgy, the theologal life [the life of faith, hope and charityj, and the Today of God in concrete situations.45


2687 Many religious have consecrated their whole lives to prayer.

Hermits, monks and nuns since the time of the desert fathers have devoted their time to praising God and interceding for his people. The consecrated life cannot be sustained or spread without prayer; it is one of the living sources of contemplation and the spiritual life of the Church. 2688 The catechesis of children, young people and adults aims at teaching them to meditate on the Word of God in personal prayer, practising it in liturgical prayer and internalizing it at all times in order to bear fruit in a new life. Catechesis is also a time for the


discernment and education of popular piety.~6 The memorization

of basic prayers offers an essential support to the life of prayer, but it is important to help learners savour their meaning.

2689 Prayer groups, indeed ‘schools of prayer’, are today one of the signs and one of the driving forces of renewal of prayer in the